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Ashley - Forest Fae

Ashley - Forest Fae

Regular price $43.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $43.00 USD
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- Amazonite crystal

- Gray cord color

- Small Amazonite, small Rose Quartz, & small Rainbow Moonstone beads

- Wave slider

- Blue, brown, & gold accents

- Longer length

Necklace Care

- The cord has a waxy layer of protection that allows it to be water resistant, fray proof, & protected from sun damage. DO NOT soak necklace in water. Not all crystals are water safe.

- To adjust the length, pull a knot from 1 of the 2 braids & it should easily slide.

- When interchanging crystals, don't be afraid to push them in the pouch!

- It's not recommended to sleep, shower, or workout in your Twisted Tumble.

How To Cleanse & Charge

Crystals can absorb and hold onto any energy they are exposed to. Whether it's your energy or other people's, regularly cleansing and charging your crystals is very important to keep their energy clear and most effective.


- Use a Selenite plate or bowl to cleanse your crystals of any unwanted energy as well as charge up their energy. You can also put a piece of Selenite near your crystals if you don't have a plate or bowl.

Full moon

- Set your crystals out overnight underneath a full moon or by a window that recieves moonlight to charge your crystals.

- You can do the same for sunlight, but there are many crystals that can fade with too much sun exposure. Please research your crystals before doing so.


- Burning incense or different herbs and holding your crystals over the smoke is a great way to cleanse. Watch the smoke absorb into your crystal until you feel they are cleansed. I've noticed personally the smoke almost seems attracted to the crystal until it is done.


- NOT ALL CRYSTALS ARE WATER SAFE!! Please do your research before soaking your crystal. It can produce hazardous fumes or dissolve completely.

- Soaking water safe crystals in water is an amazing way to draw out negative energy. You can find a local body of water, use moon water, or even your sink paired with feeding your crystal good intentions.


- You can use Tibetan singing bowls, bells, tuning forks, and different frequencies to form a positive vibration within the stone, clearing out unwanted energy.


- To charge up your crystals with Earth’s energy and physically plant your intentions, you can burry your crystals underground.
- Instead of burring you’re crystals underground, you can try burrying your crystals under salt.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
A.O. (Washington)
Forrest Fae Necklace

I absolutely love my necklace! It is gorgeous and I'm calm when I wear it! I was so obsessed that I had one created practically the same! It shipped extremely fast! Thank you! ❤️